Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Ok, so I've decided I should test out the pic thing before I get overseas, so here goes....

2 of the best friends ever!!! I'm gonna miss y'all heaps :-(

Can't wait to party with this one in London! Lol random nights here we come!

Another one I'm gonna miss :-(

Ok, looks like I've worked it out! Lol turned out to be quite easy, I feel like a loser now. Now just gotta look into this Flickr business. One step at a time!

1 comment:

Simone said...

Hey Vanessa,

thanks for your comment on my blog. I remember when I first decided that I wanted to come to London - it was about 6 months before I actually left and I spent the whole time excited about my trip - I never thought the day would arrive when I would leave, but it came so fast and now I've been in London for nearly 2 months!

You will have the most amazing time - there is so much to see and do here. There are times when it gets really hard and I miss home but nothing beats the feeling of knowing you are in London!

Good luck with your planning and enjoy your excitement. You will be coming to London at the perfect time - summer. It sure beats the miserable weather that we're getting at the moment - icy cold and snowing - although the snow is pretty!

I'm going to add your blog to my list of blogs so feel free to add mine to yours if you so wish!
