Yes, 53 days may sound a lot but lets break it down a bit...
53 days is only 7 weeks and 4 days (really not much considering I haven't applied for my Visa yet!!)
I only have 26 more days of work, including today. This is taking into account my trip to Canberra and the Queens bday (god bless her!). Well, really when you think about it, its only 25, because my last day will be a right off. Or 24, because todays nearly half over so I shouldnt count it! See, not long to go at all!
I've got gran's birth certificate (well its at the post office waiting for me to pick it up!) so I'm all set for my Visa expedition next friday. Thats gonna be a fun lil road trip!
Also, in a last ditch effort to save some much needed $$, I am back at mums. Oh the joy :-) Nah, I dont really mind, but its just harding adjusting back to all the questions, the constant nagging etc. PLUS the "Oh im going to miss you"s and the "I cant believe your doing this" speeches I've been getting. Oh well, she means well, and I know I will prob miss the annoying things in a few months!
Not much has really been planned once I do get to London. I have a couple of weeks accom booked, hopefully that is enough time to find somewhere more permanent, although from what I've been hearing perhaps not! Christina wants to go somewhere as well, we were thinking Malta but now she's thrown out Ibiza. Which would be good to say that I've been there, but its not really a 'me' place I dont think. But we'll see I guess.
In case you missed it.... 53 days to go!!!